In the Name of God

“Contrary to what happened in Spain and other Latin American countries, the Chilean Catholic church positioned itself clearly against fascism from the first day. The Cardenal (Raúl Silva Henríquez) created the Vicaría de la Solidaridad, a true human rights office to defend the persecuted with the help of social workers, doctors and psychologists. To make this film I spend three months in Santiago working with the help of a local team of young filmmakers (in particular Pablo Salas, Hernán Castro and Germán Malig) who helped me and provided me with many images of the street clashes. At the end of filming two members of the crew were violently arrested and held by the police: Pablo Basulto, sound engineer and the aforementioned Hernán Castro, assistant director. It was the first time I had returned to Chile since the coup d’Etat”.